RoboForm Manual for iOS Mobile Application
Current through RoboForm Version 8.4.1. To access the most up-to-date information about the current version of RoboForm visit our Help Center.
Printable Manual is available in PDF
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Installation and Account Setup
Requirements RoboForm is compatible with iOS 8 and above.
- Open the App Store on your iOS device.
- Search for RoboForm.
- Click + Get and wait for the download to finish.
- Your RoboForm application will appear on your iOS device’s home screen.
- Launch the application by clicking the RoboForm application.
- On the Welcome page of the app, you have a couple of options for Account Setup.
- You can Sign In with an existing RoboForm account by typing in your User ID and Account Password (if you're using version 7) or Email and Master Password (if you're using version 8)
- If you are an Enterprise User, select the three dots in the top right corner and select Show enterprise settings to show the Custom Everywhere Server field in the Sign In.
- If you are a New User, click I am New User and follow the following steps:
- Enter your E-Mail, Master Password, confirm your Master Password, and your Name.
- For your Master Password, a shield will appear with a rating of your Password Strength. In order to achieve a Strong rating, create a unique and complex password.
- It is very important that you memorize your Master Password.
- Click Sign Up.
- After you have signed in or created a new account, you will see Authorized Access Options. These are options of how you would like to securely access the RoboForm Application on your device. Here are the Authorized Access Options in detail:
- Pin Code is a four digit numerical code to unlock the RoboForm application.
- Master Password is a password to unlock all your other passwords. If you are a returning user, it will use the Master Password you already use on your desktop.
- No Authorization means that you will not have any Authorized Access when you open your RoboForm application. This is not recommended.
- Swipe through the secure methods of accessing your RoboForm application and select which method you would like to use.
- Your RoboForm application is now set up.
Chapter 2: Key RoboForm Terms
Login RoboForm saves online passwords into what we call a Login. RoboForm will offer to fill your Login details automatically when you visit the login page again.
Bookmarks Bookmarks are websites and web pages you can save to RoboForm, similar to a Bookmark on your browser. Bookmarks leave you one click away from your favorite web pages.
Identity Your Identity is your personal profile. RoboForm can automatically fill in long non-password forms, such as an online checkout form, with your Identity.
Contact This is your Address Book, each entry in this Address Book is called a Contact. A Contact is like an Identity but is not used for form filling. Instead, it is used to lookup other people’s personal data such as their name, phone number, address, etc.
Safenote You can store frequently-used text into what we call a Safenote. Safenotes provide storage for important information that is not automatically stored in Logins or Identities such as lock key combinations, secret family recipes, and software activation codes.
RoboForm Data All of your RoboForm Items - your Logins, Bookmarks, Identities, Contacts, and Safenotes - make up your RoboForm Data.
Folder All of your RoboForm Items can be categorized in Folders, similar to Windows Folders. Anything file of RoboForm Data be organized into Folders - including other Folders!
Master Password This is the main password that unlocks all of your RoboForm Data for use. Do not forget your Master Password!
Start Page This is the main page of the RoboForm application that allows you to edit and view your RoboForm Data.
RoboForm Web Browser This is the browser within the RoboForm application. You are able to save, fill, and submit forms within the RoboForm Browser.
Asterisk Button This button opens Matching Logins, Identities, and Contacts when you are using the RoboForm Browser.
Matching Login In the Asterisk Button, Matching Login finds which Login is the best fit for the web page you are visiting.
Preferences This menu holds many RoboForm options and features such as Sharing, Security Center, and Emergency Access.
Save Screen This is the screen that allows you to save RoboForm Logins and Bookmarks in the application.
Chapter 3: Logins
Use Logins to store data that is specific to a web site; data such as Usernames, Passwords, Survey fields, etc. Essentially, you can save any form data to Logins and use it to automatically fill any form later.
Saving Logins
AutoSave a Login
When you manually enter login data to a login page and click the Login (Submit) button, RoboForm will offer to save this login info by displaying the Save Screen.
How to AutoSave a Login
- Manually login to a website in your RoboForm Web Browser.
- The Save Screen will open. You can rename the Login name here.
- Click Save.
- The Save Screen will close and your Login will save.
If you try to save a Login that has the same name as an existing Login, you will be shown a warning that says saving the Login will overwrite the data of your existing Login.
If the domain is blocked, RoboForm will not ask to save Logins automatically. You can find and remove blocked domains in Preferences > Web Browser > Blocked Domains.
The Save Screen pops up only if the Login data you entered is New, Different, or Updated. It will not prompt you if the exact same data (E.g. Username & Password) are already saved to RoboForm.
New Account Detection
RoboForm can save your Username and Password from the page where you create a New Account into a Login. Even though it’s not the exact login page, AutoSave will pop up on your New Account or Registration page.
Password Change Detection
This also works with changing your Password on an existing account; Save Screen will offer to save your new password and overwrite your old password in Logins.
Manually Save a Login
On the occasion that the Save Screen doesn’t pop up - because of a blocked domain or the website’s format - you can manually save a Login.
How to Manually Save a Login
- Go to the website you want to save a Login for.
- Type in your Login as normal.
- Before clicking Submit or Login, click the Action Icon at the lower-center of the screen.
- A menu will open. Click Save Login.
- The Save Screen will open. You can rename the Login name here.
- Click Save.
- The Save Screen will close and your Login will be saved.
Updated Website
You might have to do a Manual Save of a Login if the website’s login page has been changed or updated. Simply manually login, and on the Save Screen overwrite the original Login.
Using Logins
One-Click Login
RoboForm can do the entire Login sequence for you.
Simply find your Login in the Start Page or the Login Menu, which can be found at the top of the Start Page, and click it. The web page will open in the RoboForm Web Browser and RoboForm will log you in.
Login Menu
This is the main menu for viewing, using, and editing Logins.
To the left of the Logins title, there is a button to go back to the Start Page.
To the right of the Logins title, there is an Edit button. Clicking it will give you the following options:
- Create a new Folder at the top. Clicking this will add a Folder and ask you to rename it. Click done once you have named it.
- Delete Folders and Logins. To delete a Login, click the Red Circle to the left of the Folder or Login Name, and then click Delete. The Login or Folder will be deleted.
Folders are shown at the top of the Logins Menu. After Folders, all of your Logins are organized alphabetically.
As mentioned earlier, clicking on a Login will automatically open the web page and do the entire Login sequence for you.
Holding down on a Login will open the following menu:
- Rename change the name of the Login.
- Move allows you to move the Login to another Folder.
- Delete removes the Login.
- Add to/Remove from Start Page will add or remove the Login to the RoboForm Start Page.
- Sharing opens the Login in the RoboForm Sharing Center.
- Send opens the Login in RoboForm Sending. Read more about Sharing and Sending in Chapter 11: Sharing and Sending.
There is an Info Icon next to each Login. Clicking it will open the Edit Screen for the Login.
The components of the Edit Screen are as follows:
- Logins will take you back to the Logins Menu.
- An Edit button.
- Clicking it will allow you to change the Name of the Login, the GotoURL, the MatchURL, your Login details (e.g. email and password), and edit a Note.
- The Edit button also has the option to Delete the Login at the bottom right of the page.
- Click Done in the top right when you are finished editing.
- The GotoURL is highlighted in green text below the Login name. Clicking it will automatically log you in.
- Holding down any Login detail will open the option to Copy the text of that detail.
- The eye icon to the right of the password will reveal and hide the password.
- The Action Icon in the bottom left corner opens a menu with the following options:
- Login will automatically log you into the web page.
- Go Fill will open the log in page of the website and fill in your credentials, it will not automatically log you in.
- Go To will open the website.
- Sharing will open the Login in the Sharing Center.
- Send will open the Login in the Sharing Center. Read more in Chapter 11: Sharing and Sending.
- Add to Home Screen will add this login as a Safari shortcut button on the home screen of your iOS device. Clicking it will open Safari and prompt you to click the Action Icon to add it to your home screen.
Matching Logins
When you visit a website in the RoboForm Web Browser, the Asterisk Button will show the Login that best matches your website. This is called a Matching Login.
If you have multiple Matching Logins, they will all appear in the Asterisk Button.
Simply click the Matching Login to automatically login to the page on the RoboForm Web Browser. Read more about this in Chapter 9: RoboForm Web Browser.
Chapter 4: Bookmarks
Use Bookmarks to store web addresses (URLs) in order to be a click away from your favorite pages and articles.
Saving Bookmarks
How to Save Bookmarks
- Go to the web page that you would like to save in the RoboForm Web Browser.
- Open the Action Icon and click Save Bookmark.
- The Save Screen will open. Rename your Bookmark here.
- Click Save.
- The Save Screen will close and your Bookmark will save.
Using Bookmarks
Note: Bookmarks are found in the Logins Menu.
The Logins Menu is the main menu for viewing, using, and editing Bookmarks. The menu and its features are explained above in Chapter 3: Logins.
Holding down on a Bookmark will open the following menu:
- Rename change the name of the Bookmark.
- Move allows you to move the Bookmark to another Folder.
- Delete removes the Bookmark.
- Add to/Remove from Start Page will add or remove the Bookmark to the RoboForm Start Page.
- Sharing opens the Bookmark in the RoboForm Sharing Center.
- Send opens the Bookmark in RoboForm Sending. Read more about Sharing and Sending in Chapter 11: Sharing and Sending.
There is an Info Icon next to each Bookmark. Clicking it will open the Edit Screen for the Bookmarks.
The components of the Edit Screen are as follows:
- A Logins button that will take you back to the Logins Menu.
- An Edit button. Clicking it will allow you to change the Name of the Bookmark, the GotoURL, the MatchURL, and lastly a Note.
- The Edit button also has a delete button at the bottom right of the page.
- Click Done in the top right when you are finished editing.
- The GotoURL is highlighted in green text below the Bookmark name. Clicking it will automatically take you to the website.
- The Action Icon in the bottom left corner opens a menu with the following options:
- Go To will open the website.
- Sharing will open the Bookmark in the Sharing Center.
- Send will open the Bookmark in the Sharing Center. Read more in Chapter 11: Sharing and Sending.
- Add to Home Screen will add this Bookmark as a Safari shortcut button on the home screen of your iOS device. Clicking it will open Safari and prompt you to click the Action Icon to add it to your home screen
Chapter 5: Identities
RoboForm can automatically fill long non-password forms (E.g. Online Shopping Checkouts, Sign Up Forms) with information from your Identity, which is like a personal profile.
Your main tool for creating, using, and editing Identities is the Identities Menu at the top of the Start Page.
Clicking on an Identity in the Identity Menu will open the Identity Elements (E.g. Person, Business, etc.) that make up that Identity.
Each Identity Element (E.g. Person) is made up of individual Identity Fields (E.g. Phone), or distinct personal details. Clicking on an Identity Element will open the Identity Fields.
Here we will explain each Identity Element:
- Person has Identity Fields associated with an individual such as name, date of birth, SSN, phone number, etc.
- Business is the business entity that the Identity is associated with.
- Passport is your Identity’s passport.
- Address is your Identity’s physical location.
- Credit Card is your Identity’s credit card(s).
- Bank Account is your Identity’s bank account(s).
- Car is to store information about your Identity’s car(s).
- Authentication stores your favorite usernames, passwords, and security questions for creating new accounts. Note: We strongly discourage reusing a password for multiple accounts.
- Custom is for any other fields that are not covered in RoboForm
How to Use the Custom Identity Element
- Fill the Field Name with the question of the field (E.g. Username).
- Fill the Field Value with your response to the question of the field (E.g. JohnSmith).
- Other Matching Strings is for an additional Field Name that RoboForm should also detect (E.g. Field Name: Username...Other Matching Strings: User ID). When RoboForm detects an Other Matching String term, it will fill it with the Field Value.
- Click the Save at the top of the page to save your Custom Form.
Here are more important notes about using Custom fields:
- RoboForm will remove all punctuation (, . - ! ?) in your custom fields when it fills forms.
- For a Field Value with a checkmark (E.g. Are you over 18?...✓), fill in the Field Name with the question (Are you over 18?), and the Field Value with an asterisk, or *.
- Radio Buttons allow you to only select one option out of a list (E.g. Married, Single, etc.). To create a custom field for radio buttons, simply fill your Field Value with the question (E.g. Marital status) and the field name with your answer (E.g. Single).
Note: You don’t have to enter any dashes or spaces for Identity Fields with numbers (E.g. phone numbers, driver license number).
Creating and Editing Identities
How to Create an Identity
- Open the Identities Menu in the application.
- Click Edit in the top-right corner.
- Click New Identity.
- Name your Identity.
- Click Done.
How to Add and Edit Personal Details in Identity
- Open your Identity from the Identity Menu.
- Open an Identity Element and click Edit to fill out or edit the Identity Fields within.
- Click Done when you are finished with the the Identity Element.
- Repeat with other Identity Elements.
Multiple Identity Elements
If you have more than one credit card, bank account, etc, you can create multiple Identity Elements.
How to Add another Element
- Open your Identity from the Identity Menu.
- Click Edit in the top-right corner. An option to add a New [Element] will appear below each main Element.
- Select which New [Element] you would like to use by clicking the green plus to the left.
- Name your new element and select the other Identity Fields to type into them.
- Once you are finished entering details, click Done in the top right corner.
Individual Identity Options
Holding down an individual Identity in the Identity Menu will show the following options:
- Rename change the name of the Identity.
- Move allows you to move the Identity to another Folder.
- Delete removes the Identity.
- Sharing opens the Identity in the RoboForm Sharing Center.
- Send opens the Identity in RoboForm Sending. Read more about Sharing and Sending in Chapter 11: Sharing and Sending.
Using Identities
How to Fill Forms with an Identity
- Go to the form you would like to fill in the RoboForm Web Browser. For example, a form could be an online shopping checkout or an account sign up page.
- Click the Asterisk Button in the bottom right corner.
- Select All Identities.
- Select the desired Identity.
- Click Fill Empty Fields only if you only want the empty fields to be filled.
- If there are Multiple Identity Elements, select the Element you would like to use.
- Click Fill.
- Your forms will be filled in the RoboForm Web Browser.
Contacts are similar to a phone-book. Store an individual’s contact information here.
In the mobile application, Contacts are in the Identity Menu and are created and edited the same way as Identities. Each Contact is composed of Contact Elements (Person, Business, etc.), and each Contact Element is made of individual Contact Fields (Phone Number).
Unlike Identities, Contacts cannot be used to fill forms.
Please apply the steps in Chapter 5: Identities to Contacts in order to learn:
- How to Create a Contact
- How to Add and Edit Details in a Contact
- How to Add another Contact Element
- Individual Contact Options.
Chapter 7: Safenotes
Use Safenotes to store any secret text data or anything that RoboForm could not save into Logins. Some example Safenotes could include:
- Safe lock combinations.
- WiFi router Passwords.
- Software activation codes.
- Secret family recipes.
Your main tool for creating, viewing, and editing Safenotes is the Safenotes Menu at the top of the Start Page.
How to Create a Safenote
- Open the Safenotes Menu.
- Select Edit in the top right corner.
- Click New Safenote.
- Name your Safenote.
- Enter the text of your Safenote underneath the name.
- Click Done in the top right once you’re finished.
Using Safenotes
View Safenotes by opening them from the Safenote Menu.
Edit Safenotes by clicking Edit when the Safenote is opened. Type directly into the text.
Individual Safenote Options
Holding down a Safenote in the Safenote Menu shows the following options:
Rename change the name of the Safenote.
Move allows you to move the Safenote to another Folder.
Delete removes the Safenote.
Sharing opens the Safenote in the RoboForm Sharing Center.
Send opens the Safenote in RoboForm Sending. Read more about Sharing and Sending in Chapter 11: Sharing and Sending.
Chapter 8: Start Page
The RoboForm Start Page is the main tool for viewing and using RoboForm on the RoboForm iOS Mobile application.
Here is the explanation for each component of the Start Page:
Upper Toolbar
At the top of the Start Page is the Upper Toolbar that is visible on every page, besides the Preferences menu, of the RoboForm app.
Here are the three components of the Upper Toolbar:
- The Home Icon will take you back to the Start Page from whatever page you are on.
- Search Logins or the Internet is a search box for your RoboForm Data and also RoboForm Web Browser. Read more in Chapter 9: RoboForm Web Browser.
- The overlapping Page Icon allows you to open, close, and pick which tab to use in the RoboForm Web Browser. Read more in Chapter 9: RoboForm Web Browser.
RoboForm Data Menus
Below the Upper Toolbar, are four bubbles of RoboForm Data: Logins, Identities, Safenotes and All Items. Select one to open its respective menu.
All Items shows all items and folders together.
Start Page Items
This is a quick-access menu of your Pinned and Popular RoboForm Logins and Bookmarks.
How to Add a Login or Bookmark to the Start Page
- Find the Login or Bookmark in the Logins Menu
- Hold down the item so the Options appear.
- Select Add to Start Page.
Using Start Page Items
Clicking a Login on the Start Page will open its web page and automatically log you in.
Holding down a Login on the Start Page will open the following options:
- Login will open the web page in the RoboForm Web Browser and automatically log you in.
- Go Fill opens the web page in the RoboForm Web Browser and automatically fills the forms on the web page.
- Go To opens the web page in the RoboForm Web Browser.
- View/Edit opens the Login in the Edit Screen and allows you to view and edit the Login.
- Remove from Start Page removes the Login from the Start Page.
- Edit Start Page allows you to reorganize Start Page Items by dragging and dropping. Click Done in the top right corner when you are finished editing the Start Page.
Clicking a Bookmark on this page will open the web page.
Holding down a Bookmark on this page will open the following options:
- Go To opens the web page in the RoboForm Web Browser.
- View/Edit opens the Bookmark in the Edit Screen and allows you to view and edit the Bookmark.
- Remove from Start Page removes the Bookmark from the Start Page.
- Edit Start Page allows you to reorganize Start Page Items by dragging and dropping. Click Done in the top right corner when you are finished editing the Start Page.
Lower Toolbar
The Lower Toolbar of the mobile application has many shortcuts.
Here are all of its components explained from left to right:
- Logoff logs you out of the mobile application. Enter your Pin or Master Password to enter the application again.
- Password Generator is explained in Chapter 10: Password Generator.
- Sync does a manual sync of the RoboForm Data on your device with the server. When the sync icon turns red, there has been a change in your RoboForm data and it is suggesting that you sync.
- History is the log of web pages you have visited on the RoboForm Web Browser. There is a search bar at the top to search through your History.
- Preferences is explained in Chapter 14: Preferences.
Chapter 9: RoboForm Web Browser
The RoboForm Web Browser is a browser built into the RoboForm app that allows the use of your RoboForm data without needing to integrate RoboForm into your mobile browser.
The RoboForm Web Browser can be opened by:
- Type a Login, website, or search inquiry into Search Logins or Web at the top of the page.
- Select a Login or Bookmark from the Logins Menu or Start Page to open it in the Browser.
- Select a website from your History to open the website in the Browser.
Using the RoboForm Web Browser
Search Logins or Web Bar
The Search Logins or Web is a search bar for your RoboForm Data and also the Address Bar for the RoboForm Web Browser. It is located in the Upper Toolbar of the app.
Typing in an inquiry will show all RoboForm Items that match your search as well as results from the web, search engines, and your browsing History.
Clickinga RoboForm Item in the Search will perform the following actions:
- Logins will automatically open and log you into the Login’s web page.
- Bookmarks will automatically open the web page of the Bookmark.
- Identities will open the Identity in the application.
- Contacts will open the Contact in the application.
- Safenotes will open the Safenote in the application.
Clicking a Web or History term in the search bar will open the web page or search engine in the Browser, similar to an address bar in other browsers.
Click the Refresh Button to the right of the search bar refresh your web page.
Other Tools in the Upper Toolbar
- The Home Icon will take you back to the Start Page from whatever page you are on.
- The overlapping Page Icon allows you to open, close, and pick which tab to use in the RoboForm Web Browser.
- The + in the top right will open a new tab.
- The X in the top right corner of a web page will close that tab.
- Click Done or tap the tab if you found the tab you would like to use.
Lower Toolbar
At the bottom of the RoboForm Web Browser, the Lower Toolbar has many browser options.
- The right arrow goes backwards in your browser’s history; the left arrows goes forward in your browser’s history. The arrows only work within the time of your browsing session.
- The Action Icon in the center shows the following options:
- Save Login will open the Save Screen. Read more in Chapter 3: Logins.
- Save Bookmark will open the Save Screen. Read more in Chapter 4: Bookmarks.
- Generate Password will generate a new Password. Read more in Chapter 10: Password Generator.
- Print will print your web page. You must have a printer set up with your device to execute this. Simply, select a printer, how many copies to print, and select Print.
- History is the log of web pages you have visited on the RoboForm Web Browser. There is a search bar at the top to search your History.
- The Asterisk Button is RoboForm’s tool to fill forms on the web page you are visiting.
At the top there are menus for All Logins, All Identities, All Contacts. Selecting any of the RoboForm Items within these menus will fill forms of the web page you are visiting.
Below the menus, there are Matching Logins. These are Logins that best fit the web page you are visiting. Selecting one of them will fill the web page with the Login.
Submit after fill will submit or log in your forms once you select the RoboForm Item.
Chapter 10: Password Generator
The Password Generator generates random, unique, and complex passwords in order to increase your cyber security.
Open the Password Generator by selecting the Password Generator button near the bottom left of the Start Page.
How to Generate a Password
- Open the Password Generator.
- It will automatically generate a password.
- It will have a shield with the strength of the password (Weak, Good, Strong) to the right of the password.
- Select Copy at the bottom right if you like the password.
- If you would like a different password, click the refresh button at the bottom center of the page.
- Or you can adjust the following settings:
- The Length of the password.
- The minimal number of Digits within the password.
Advanced settings allows you to adjust.
- To use only Hexadecimal characters: 0-9, A-F. Unchecking hexadecimal character will give you a greater range of characters to use.
- Select characters like Uppercase letters and Lowercase letters.
- To exclude similar characters which removes similar looking characters. For example: I, l, 1 and O,0.
- Special symbols. You can change what is considered to be a Special symbol in the text box at the bottom.
- Restore defaults will revert Password Manager to it’s default settings.
- Click the refresh button to apply your setting changes and generate a new password.
- When you are happy with your new password, select Copy to copy the password. You can now paste it into a new account creation page or change one of your weaker passwords.
Chapter 11: Sharing and Sending
RoboForm Sharing and Sending feature allows you to securely share RoboForm Data (items or folders) with others.
Sharing and Sending uses a Public-Private Key Encryption which replaces the risky practice of sharing your Master Password or emailing sensitive data.
If your recipient does not have a RoboForm, the recipient will receive an email with instructions on how to create a free RoboForm account.
Sharing Center
This is your main tool to manage Shared items on the app.
Further sections of this chapter will cover the specifics of sharing, here are the main components of the Sharing Center:
- Preferences goes back to the Preferences page.
- Done goes back to the Start Page.
- There are three categories in the Sharing Center:
- Shared Folders, which you can learn about below in Sharing a Folder.
- Received Files are files that somebody else sent to you. They are denoted by a green icon and their sender’s email.
- Granted Files are files that you sent to another person. They are denoted by a blue icon and your email.
- Create shared folder… creates a shared folder and is further discussed below.
Sharing will give the recipient access to the data , and any changes (E.g. changing a password) accesswill be reflected in their copy of the data. Access to the shared data can be revoked at any time. The sender may choose multiple recipients.
How to Share RoboForm Data
- Find the RoboForm Data in All Items or its respective menu (e.g. Logins Menu).
- Hold down the item, and in the menu that pops up, select Sharing.
- Enter the recipient's email.
- Click Add. Their email will appear under Who Has Access.
- If the recipient received and accepted the request, only their email will be listed.
- If the recipient hasn’t received the request, their status will be Not Recieved Yet.
- If they deny the request, their email will be removed from Who Has Access.
To Revoke Shared Data, slide the email of the recipient to the left, select Revoke Access.
Sharing a Folder
Creating a Shared Folder will let you share multiple RoboForm items with its recipients. Access to the shared folder can be revoked at any time. The sender may choose multiple recipients.
Note: Everywhere users can only create one shared folder. Business Users can create multiple.
How to Create A Shared Folder
- Open Preferences > Sharing Center.
- At the bottom, click Create shared folder…
- Name your new Shared Folder.
- Click OK.
How to add RoboForm Items into a Shared Folder
- Find the RoboForm Item in All Items or its respective menu (e.g. Logins Menu).
- Hold down the item, and in the menu that pops up, select Move.
- Select the shared folder.
How to Use a Shared Folder
- Open the Shared Folder from the Sharing Center.
- Enter the recipient’s email.
- If your recipient does not have RoboForm, they will be emailed instructions on how to create a free RoboForm account.
- Select their Role or permission level below the email. The permission levels are explained in detail below.
- Select Server Only to have the data only be on the server, and not locally on the device.
- Select Add.
- The recipient will be shown under Who Has Access with their email and permission level.
- If the recipient received and accepted the request their email will be under Who Has Access.
- If the recipient hasn’t received the request, their status will be Not Recieved Yet.
- If they deny the request, their name will be removed from Who Has Access.
The sender can choose one of three different permission levels for the recipient:
- Limited: The recipient will not be able to edit or share RoboForm items in the Shared Folder. Logins can only be used to log in to websites, applications, and mobile apps - the passwords cannot be viewed in the Editor. Identities and Safenotes can be viewed in the Editor.
- Regular: The recipient can view and edit RoboForm items in the Shared Folder, and the changes they make will be propagated to other recipients and to the sender.
- Owner: Full access rights. In addition to being able to view and edit all items, the recipient can adjust permission levels, as well as add or remove other recipients (including the original sender).
To Revoke Shared Data, slide the email of the recipient to the left, select Revoke Access.
Sending RoboForm Data is similar to sending an email. The RoboForm data is sent once, any changes won’t be updated (E.g. changing a password) to the recipient and access to the sent data can’t be revoked. You can send an item to multiple recipients.
How to Send RoboForm Data
- Find the RoboForm Item in All Items or its respective menu (e.g. Logins Menu).
- Hold down the item, and in the menu that pops up, select Send.
- Enter the recipient's email.
- Click Send.
- The Sent Item will be denoted by a blue icon.
If you have received a sent item and accept it, you will find it in All Items or its respective menu (e.g. Logins Menu).
Chapter 12: Security Center
The Security Center identifies whether your passwords stored in RoboForm are unique, complex, and randomly generated. It further suggests which of your passwords should be changed and made stronger.
Security Center is located in the Preference Menu.
Understanding the Security Center
Security Score
Your Security Score is shown at the top of the page. The percentage score, rating (eg: “Good”), and description represent the collective strength of all of your individual passwords. The rating of the Security Score has a range of Low (0-25%), Average (26-50%), Good (51-75%), and Excellent (76-100%).
Individual Logins
Below the Security Score there are three tabs that break down your Individual Logins. The tabs with red shields have items lowering the Security Score, while green shields satisfy the Security Score test.
The first tab is labeled All. When you open this tab, it will show you all the Logins and identities their Strength Ranking: Weak (red shield), Good (orange shield), or Strong (green shield). By default, the Weak Logins are listed first.
The levels of Password Strength for individual passwords are determined by the zxcvbn algorithm, which is based on entropy or unpredictability. The strength ratings for individual passwords have a range of Weak (0-25%), Medium (26-50%), Good (51-75%), and Strong (75-100%). In order to achieve a Strong Password Strength rating, create a unique and complex password.
Clicking on an Individual Password will open the Edit Screen.
Reused Passwords
The middle tab is labeled Reused and lists multiple Logins with identical passwords. The number in this tab represents the amount of unique passwords that have been reused for multiple websites. Logins are organized under Groups with Reused Passwords; each Group consists of Logins that share the same password.
Duplicated Logins
The last tab on the right is labeled Complete Duplicates and shows Logins with identical usernames and passwords for the same website. The number in this tab represents the amount of username/password combinations that have been saved more than once.
Complete Duplicates do not affect the Security Score, but have their own tab so the user can easily delete Complete Duplicates saved to RoboForm.
How to Improve your Security Score
In order to improve the strength of your passwords and increase your Security Score, follow these steps:
- Log in to a website that has a Weak score.
- Find the Account or Settings page where you can change your password.
- Select the Password Generator in your Lower Toolbar. Read more in Chapter 10: Password Generator.
- Remember to save the newly generated password in RoboForm.
Going through this process for all your weak passwords will better secure your information and improve your security score.
Chapter 13: Emergency Access
In case of an emergency, such as incapacitation or death, it could be vital to have a trusted person obtain access to your medical, financial, and other important information. With Emergency Access, you can set up measures for a pre-approved contact to securely receive access to your RoboForm Data after a certain time period passes.
Emergency Access uses public-private key encryption, similar to our Sharing and Sending features. This allows for secure access by the recipient without the grantor's Master Password.
To open Emergency Access and its settings, select it in the Preference menu.
Make sure to set up Emergency Access as soon as possible to ensure you are prepared for an emergency. Setting up Emergency Access is explained below.
How to Set up Emergency Access
- The grantor of the access will open Emergency Access from the Preference Menu.
- Click the + in the top right corner to create a new Emergency Contact.
- Type in the email of the recipient of the Emergency Access and select the timeout period for them. The timeout period is how much time has to pass before the recipient can access the grantor’s RoboForm Data.
- An email will be sent to the recipient.
- If the recipient's email address has a registered RoboForm account (free or Everywhere), they will receive notification via email of the pending invitation.
- If the email address provided does not have a registered RoboForm account, the recipient will receive an email with instructions on how to create a free RoboForm account.
- The recipient can Accept the Emergency Contact invitation in Emergency Access.
- The Status of the recipient will be shown in Emergency Access.
- Invited means that the recipient has not responded to the Emergency Contact Invitation.
- Accepted means that the recipient has accepted the invitation.
- Rejected means that the recipient has rejected the invitation.
- The Emergency Access grantor will be notified via email and in Emergency Access if the invited Emergency contact accepted or declined the invitation.
- Accepted recipients - now, Emergency Contact - can now use Emergency Access. Read how to use it below.
- Note that the grantor can adjust the timeout period by clicking the Emergency Contact’s name, selecting a new timeout period, and clicking apply.
How to Use Emergency Access
- The Emergency Contact will open Emergency Access in the Preferences menu.
- Under I’m Emergency Contact for, there is the option to Request Access to the grantor's RoboForm Data.
- Requesting access begins the timeout period and sends an email about the request to the grantor. Before the timeout period is over, the grantor now has the option to accept or deny the access request.
- After access is granted or the timeout period ends, the Emergency Contact can now go to I’m Emergency Contact for.
- Select Get Data.
- All of the grantor’s RoboForm Data will open in view only mode. The data is available to download to the Emergency Contact’s RoboForm by selecting the individual Download buttons or the Download All button at the bottom. You can also Search for a RoboForm Item with the search button in the bottom right.
- The grantor can revoke access at any point.
Chapter 14: Preferences
Preferences host all the settings for RoboForm, as well as functions within the RoboForm app.
Find the Preference Menu by selecting the gear icon on the Start Page.
The next section will go through each tab of the Preference Menu.
Logins Behavior controls how Logins function within the app.
- Open Logins in Browser will open the Login in the RoboForm Web Browser. Unselecting this will open the Edit Screen of the Login.
- Show All Fields for Logins will show additional fields in your Login. Unselecting this will only show the username, the password, and the note in a Login.
Startup has the option for what tabs you would like to be open when you start the application. Start with Recent Tabs will open the tabs that were previously opened on the application.
Smart Search regulates how your Search Bar at the top of the Start Page and the RoboForm Web Browser appear.
- Search Engine will let you select which search engine the Search Bar uses.
- Search Suggestions will give you suggestions from search engines of what to look up.
- Fuzzy Search provides similar or properly-spelled search terms within the search engine.
RoboForm Unlock Mode is the method that you use to unlock the RoboForm Application.
- Unlock Mode allows you to choose between using your Master Password, a pin, or having no authorization mode - this is not recommended.
- If you have a Pin, there will be an option to Change Pin. Simply type it and retype it to change your pin.
Automatic-Logoff manages how long you stay logged into your RoboForm. Logoff on Close is the option to have your RoboForm log-off when you close the application; you must enter your authorization method again if Logoff on Close is on.
Change Master Password allows you to change your Master Password. After clicking it, simply type in your old Master Password and enter your new Master Password twice to change it. It is very important that you memorize your Master Password.
Web Browser
Content shows the option to Open Mobile Sites within the RoboForm Web Browser.
AutoSave has options for how to Save logins on the application.
- AutoSave Logins will pull up the Save Screen automatically when you save a new Login. Read more in Chapter 3: Logins.
- Block Domains is a list of domains that RoboForm will not ask to save Logins automatically for. Delete a blocked domain by swiping it to the left and clicking Delete.
Domain Equivalence
- ⦁ Some websites utilize the same Logins or Account for different URLs. These are called Mirrors; E.g. Bank of America uses,,, and
- Domain Equivalencies simplifies this by creating a single Login for multiple sites.
- Simply create a New Group and add each individual domain by clicking the “ + ”, e.g. “ and”. These settings will then apply in Matching Logins.
- Delete a Domain Equivalency by clicking the “ - ”.
Clear Cookies and History will delete the cookies and the history from the RoboForm Web Browser.
Sharing Center
Read about the Sharing Center, Sharing, and Sending in Chapter 11: Sharing and Sending.
Security Center
Read about the Security Center in Chapter 12: Security Center.
Security Center
Read about Emergency Access in Chapter 13: Emergency Access.
RoboForm Everywhere
This tab has Sync and Account options. For other Sync and Account options, go to Chapter 15: RoboForm Online.
Your Email for your RoboForm Account will be listed at the top.
Sync Automatically will automatically sync your device and your RoboForm account whenever you open the app, edit or save an item, or enter the Master Password. Uncheck this if you want to do manual sync.
Change Account will log you out of this RoboForm Account on your Application. Note that your current RoboForm data won’t be kept on the device if you Change Accounts.
Start Page
This tab has Start Page options.
Sync my Start Page will do an automatic sync of your device and your RoboForm account whenever you open the app, edit or save an item, or enter the Master Password.
Edit Start Page will allows you to reorganize Start Page Items by dragging and dropping. Click Done in the top right corner when you are finished editing the Start Page.
About shows the version of RoboForm that you are using and your Device ID.
There are also these following options:
- Review on App Store opens RoboForm in the app store. Please let us know what you think!
- Manual opens the web page for the RoboForm manual.
- Support opens the web page for the RoboForm Support System.
- How to Submit a Support Ticket
- Click Support from the About page of your RoboForm application.
- Enter the email associated with your RoboForm account.
- You will be redirected to the settings page. Enter your name and phone number and click Submit. This information will only be used for support purposes.
- Scroll to the bottom, type your message, and submit your ticket. Click here to directly access the online support system.
- Open Source displays a list of open source software licenses used in the development.
Chapter 15: RoboForm Online
RoboForm Online is covered in the RoboForm Windows Manual which can be found at
Chapter 16: RoboForm Security
RoboForm Security is covered in the RoboForm Windows Manual which can be found at